Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Birth of Umf Box

Who we are:

The concept of Umf Box was born due to a mom struggling with her toddlers eating habits. The eldest son was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder and Verbal Apraxia. With some basic research she realised that the disorders has a direct impact on eating habits and the nutrition has a direct impact on growth, behavior, development, etc.

She started schooling herself by learning more of nutrition and in doing so, realised the enormous need that other parents are equally worried about their child's health.

We decided to make a difference - thus the birth of Umf Box.

We formed a team of ladies that are equally concerned about children and want to make a difference in their health and eating habits. All bring their unique expertise and from a different background and culture, but one thing stands out, our children needs the best and we WILL provide that!

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